- Visit https://DOTDriverFiles.com.
- In the top right corner, click the button labeled “Sign In” (located to the left of the “Get DOT For Free” button). This will take you to the login page at https://app.dotdriverfiles.com/login.
- Enter your preferred email address in the provided field.
- Enter your password in the password field.
- (Optional) Check the “Remember Me” tick box for the site to remember your account in the future.
- Click the “Sign In” button to access your account.
Side Notes:
- If you have forgotten your password, you can click the “Forgot Your Password” link to recover account access. (***Password reset, retrieve password, forgot login, account recovery)
- If you have not yet created an account, you can click the “Sign Up” link at the bottom of the page to create one.
Keywords:(Password reset, retrieve password, forgot login, account recovery)