- Explanation: This section provides detailed instructions on how to manage the process of adding a driver to a Random Drug & Alcohol Testing Program, which is a critical requirement for FMCSA compliance. The process involves collaboration with a Consortium/Third Party Administrator (C/TPA) to manage drug and alcohol testing.
- How to Enter the Date Driver is Added to Random Drug & Alcohol Testing Program:
- Log in to the DOTDriverFiles app.
- From the Dashboard, click on “Drivers” in the left navigation bar.
- Select the driver whose Random Drug & Alcohol Testing status needs to be updated.
- Click on the “Qualification Checklist” tab in the top navigation bar.
- In the Qualification Checklist, click on the “Placed in Random Program” section and click “Complete Now.”
- Enter the date that the employer entered the driver into the Random Testing Program through their C/TPA.
- Once the date is entered and saved, the green checkmark will appear, indicating that the process is complete. There are no further uploads or steps required.
- Note: Test results can be positive, negative, or ambiguous. In the event of an ambiguous result, the test is repeated immediately. If the result is ambiguous again, an intensified investigation will be conducted with additional monitoring.
Keywords: (random drug testing, alcohol testing, FMCSA compliance, C/TPA, DOT testing program, driver qualification, DOTDriverFiles drug testing, upload test results, Clearinghouse tracking)